With the recent midterms being more than somewhat disappointing for people of my persuasion, social media has been interesting to say the least. Understand, dear reader, that I am not someone who gets to reside in the upper echelons of society but I know people who do. And so, while not exactly bumping elbows with them, I see them in their natural habitat and observing them is a cross between incredibly enlightening and terrifying. On social media, I cannot purport to have friends in the upper class section but I know people who do. And when those higher ups weigh in on a topic, we all know we have been educated in the right think, the right way, and we really ought to appreciate that.
In one of the latest exchanges on social media, I commiserated with a friend about the Arizona election and that the incumbent might retain his position, something we knew going in but were holding out hope for a Blake Masters upset. At this point, we simply were in a wait and see posture. And then, and then, and then, …. cue the angels and harps…then it happened and we were edified. One of our betters came on line to let us know that he had just recently spoken to the incumbent (how nice) and he was glad that it looked like he would retain his position in the Senate. They had had a discussion and the good Senator from Arizona had been cordial and forthcoming and all concerns had been put to rest. So there is no problem here. Take it easy, ladies, the men have conversed and all is well.
What?! Are you kidding me? This Senator has voted with the administration 100% of the time. Those policies are driving this country into the ground. Have you, by chance, noticed the thousands and thousands of people pouring across an entirely open border along with all the attendant drug and human trafficking? Can you spell FENTANYL? Do you understand what human trafficking is? Human trafficking is selling human beings for sex and as slaves. And yes, the open border allows for these activities to occur unabated and unchecked. The problem was being controlled under the last administration but has exploded under this new one. The Senator you’re talking to has done nothing to clamp down on this. Especially, women and children are being used to fill the trafficking needs of evil-minded criminals and the exploitation is apparently of no concern to the administration or this Senator.
Likewise, energy and economic issues plaguing this country are entirely due to the policies of this administration and are supported by this Senator. Do you understand what this means to the real people who live and work in this country? I think you don’t. I wonder, when you met up there on Mt. Olympus, if brandy and cigars were included. For those of us not living in such heady stratosphere who live with our feet firmly on the ground, it’s getting harder and harder to make ends meet. And sometimes the food budget and the gas money compete for priority. Did you think to ask why he wasn’t working to change that?
And speaking of those with their feet on the ground, what about those American boots that have found their way to the ground in Ukraine. You know, those American boots that would never go to Ukraine but who are now, ostensibly, tracking logistics? Since when does it take 24/7 operations to track logistics? Yes, we want to have our investments tracked but when the first US troop is injured or killed, what then? Why are these good men and women in harm’s way? Who made that decision? These are all policies that the good man from Arizona supports and that you, by extension, also support.
And because of these types of decisions, we are closer than ever before in recent memory to nuclear confrontation with Russia and Taiwan is at high risk of being overtaken by China. In North Korea, rockets are being launched causing Japanese cities to issue shelter-in-place warnings. Iran is nuclear-ready with their reactors. Did you ask the fine Senator about any of these things? Because honestly, these keep me awake at night and I was sleeping just fine with the Donald in charge.
I wonder, when you met with the Senator if you met with his wife as well. I wonder how she feels about the administration’s policies when it comes to erasing women. Yes, I mean that. This bunch, including the good Senator, wants biological men who want to be women to be able to compete against biological women in sporting events. Now that is insanity. This administration and this Senator have consistently supported policies that take transgender policies into the realm of incredulity. Men who cannot compete against men successfully are allowed to compete against biological women and win, take their scholarships, their trophies and their rightful monies, thus erasing biological women. How does his wife feel about women having their just earnings stolen by men who are less than successful in their own right?
And, harkening back to those boots on the ground in Ukraine, our military continues the transgender charade by allowing the taxpayer to fund sex change operations (NOTE: these operations do not change sex, but only outward appearance), hormone therapy and counseling for the constantly gender perplexed among the troops. Whilst the US is raising the pride flag over its’ barracks, the enemy is preparing for war. Great policy, guys, I feel so much better now. Are you two enjoying yourselves?
And as I sit here looking at my Christmas cards that just came yesterday, a beautiful Madonna with infant Jesus, I can’t help but think of the scourge of the democrat party, the holocaust of our day, “woman’s health”. If any policy personifies evil amongst us today, it is the democrats calling the deliberate obliteration of millions of babies “Women’s Health Care”. To a person, democrats are calling for abortion without limits for any reason whatever. Numerous proposals have been put forward to obviate the recent Dobbs ruling including calls for VA hospitals to become bastions of abortion, centers for abortion to be set up on the borders of states that restrict abortion, monetary assistance from employers for women to travel for abortion, direct attacks against crisis pregnancy centers and calls for mail-in service for the abortion pill. It is shocking to me, the lengths democrats will go to ensure the right to kill the most innocent among us. And gestational age is not an issue. Whether 6 weeks or full term, it matters not. If mama does not want it, kill it. And the Senator approves this too. I guess you do too.
When you sat down with the Senator and got such good vibes, had a few laughs (most likely at our expense) and came away wanting him to win, did you even question his policies or did you just want to rub elbows and chew the fat? And in saying “Calm down, I’ve talked to him and feel good about his win” did you think we were sleeping? You might never be touched by those policies up there in the tower, but down here in the real world we live with those policies every single day. And they are hurting us. So telling us to calm down may not be the best approach. Next time, you would do well to figure out the problems before expressing a sigh of relief that we are all good.
The next problem is all mine. Over several decades, I have had enormous respect for you. Now I do not know what I have. You clearly did not explore, investigate, question and probe. You simply took his word. This is not the man I knew. This is lazy, this is going along to get along, this is “the good ole boys club” and I thought more highly of you. Disappointment doesn’t even begin to cover it.